Monday, June 1, 2009

First Day On The Job!

As I have blogged before - Ryan and Jonathan are seriously early risers. We usually do not need an alarm clock because the boys always wake us up at some point during the wee hours of the morning.
So I figured why not put their early morning energy to goood use?

Ryan and Jonathan now have an early morning paper route for the Idaho State Journal!

They are very excited about it. I help them of course. They have a route of 30 papers for the upper part of our neigborhood. This morning was their first day, and I have to say I was quite impressed with them! They went a lot faster than I had expected them to, running most of the way (they really have A LOT of energy in the morning).

When they get their first pay check we are going to open savings acounts for both of them and get them started on the road to saving for their missions and college (seriously - when they go there will be two of them, so I am totally willing to wake up early with them if it helps us out in the long run....)

I am looking forward to the extra time to spend with the boys in the mornings. They are fun to talk to and I am always amazed by the concepts they grasp and the questions in their minds. I really enjoy having them around.

Here's to some fun (and early) mornings boys!

1 comment:

The Esquibel Family said...

SO cute, I hope you guys have a ton of fun doing it this summer! I know how hard it can be, but since there are 3 of you, it may not be too bad! Cute bags by the way, did you make them?