Not only did he get his two front teeth for Christmas - Santa really delivered, and sent 6 front teeth!! He has two on the bottom (which you can barely see in the picture), and then four on top.
I call him our little vampire baby because his front teeth on the sides (the fang ones) started growing in first, so he looked like a vampire. At first I was a little nervous those were his front teeth, and I was beginning to think he was going to have some seriouse orthodontic issues - but Jen (who is a dental hygenist) let me know that the side teeth can grow in first sometimes, and that helped me feel a better. :) The top front teeth are slowly beginning to make an appearance now.
The boy is SO darn cute!!
you and your family are so cute! i have missed you all so much. i have been thinking about you and when we were good buddies... good times. i too am glad that i will be able to see what you guys are up to once in a while instead of just once a year.. (if that).. at reunions.
i hope all is well for you!!
~much love,
He's a toothful wonder that one!! I'm glad he is finally aquiring the teeth needed to eat the food he so desperately wants to eat (and tries). Life is going to be a lot easier for that little man from now on! :0)
What a sweet boy, I can't imagine his smile any sweeter. It will be exciting to see how teeth will change his look.
Wow, that's a lot of teeth at once. Audrey got her 4 upper teeth over Christmas as well. She's an early teether, thanks to the Henrikson side. Not too fun when nursing, but she's sweet and hasn't bit.
My niece is 14 months an no sign of teeth!
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