Monday, December 8, 2008

A New Room, And Old Toys.

Along with all of the other fun stuff we did over Thanksgiving weekend - somehow we were also able to repaint the boy's room! The goal was to get it done over Thanksgiving break before we got back into school, and we did it!

I have been wanting to paint it for them for a long time, and the boys have been eager for it to be done as well.

There was a big rush to get it done before Christmas because the boys bedroom plays a key part in one of the most AWESOME Christmas presents we got for the boys! The boys are totally into anything about outerspace, the stars, and the planets these days. So, right now we are in the middle of painting the boy's ceiling the same navy blue as the bottom of their walls, and I bought them an inflatable solar system to hang from their ceiling, and we are going to put glow in the dark stars all over their ceiling as well. I am SO excited! I know they are going to absolutely think it ROCKS!

So on Christmas Eve we always have a family slumber party downstairs (so Chris and I can go upstairs and be Santa's helpers after the kids all finally fall asleep). So this year we are going to put the solar system up and wrap their bedroom door on Christmas Eve so they will have to "unwrap" their bedroom! AWESOME!

And while we were repainting the boy's bedroom, the kids had the job of going through their toys and deciding which ones to give away. The kids had a hard time at first, but with a little coaxing (sinced I happen to be in cahoots with a little guy named Santa, and I know they are going to be replenishing their toy supply come Christmas day) they finally were able to clean out their toy boxes and part with a lot of the toys they no longer play with anymore. Then it was a trip to the DI. In the picture the kids are working going through the girl's toy box. They had a fun time doing it.

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