Ryan and Jonathan are always getting after Chris and I for not recycling more. We do pretty good. We always take our newspapers to the recycling bins, along with the dozens of cardboard boxes that run through this house after groceries have been used up (cereal, freezer foods, diapers, wipes, etc.). Ryan and Jonathan learned about the triangle picture on the bottom of items that can be recycled. They check many items to see if we should be recycling rather than throwing that item away. They get pretty vocal when they see that we are throwing that kind of stuff away. Actually - good for them. They are smart kids. They are always reminding me that I need to keep america clean (something they read on the side of some boxes and plastic bags).
The boys came home from school today talking about the cool things they did to celebrate Earth Day today. It was fun to hear them talk about everything they did, and how well they understood the concepts.
Ryan looked at me and said "Mom, what are we going to do for Earth Day at home?" Well, considering their desires to "Keep America Clean", and the recycling program the city of Pocatello just started, we called up the city and signed up for the recycling program. The city brought a new garbage can devoted only to recycling with a list of all the materials they can accept. The kids are absolutely thrilled, and this is definately something our family can do a much better job of. The city will come and pick up our recyclable trash everyother week, so now we don't even have to worry about driving it all down to the bins ourselves anymore, and this will certainly help alleviate the usually overflowing normal trash that threatens to spill all over the street by the time garbage day finally rolls around. Totally a win-win.
Good call boys!
You're such good citizens. We usually recycle our stuff into the fireplace...
Good for you boys! Kaden was so excited when we got a new blue garbage can. Too bad it's already busting full!
Your boys are so cute! What good little earth boys.
That's awesome Pocatello has started a recycling program. We had one growing up and i really had a hard time when I went to Utah for BYU and there was no recycling program. It felt so weird to just throw everything away.
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