Looking to get great deals on food, and save a TON of money on your grocery bills? If you havn't yet, definately check this website out! http://www.thegrocerygame.com/ I LOVE it!
I have been using this system of grocery shopping for about the last month - and I will always use it! It is basically shopping with coupons on steroids. :)
With this system, I spend at least half if not less than we did before, and my shelves/food storage is fuller than it has ever been! So with half the money, I am able to buy a TON more!
There is a bit of a learning curve - but don't give up! I was a bit discouraged after my first week because I did not save as much as I was expecting. Now that I am getting the hang of it, the total taken off my receipt in savings each week keeps getting higher and higher!
My sister Miriam and I have been trying it out together, and each time we go grocery shopping we will call eachother joyously proclaiming the amount we saved vs. the smaller amount we actually paid. That is correct, we are beginning to SAVE MORE than we actually pay! It has become a game that we are both determined to win. :) Just to prove the point - This week Albertsons took $119.34 off my bill, so that in the end I only paid $105.22! (and with 5 children, we were getting close to about $200.00 or more a week for groceries). As a side note, I used to NEVER shop at Albertons because their prices are so high, but with this system, Albertsons has become the cheapest place for me to shop. I even continue to check prices at Wal-Mart to be sure I am getting a good deal, and I come in even under Wal-Mart prices!
Miriam and I are beginning to feel so guilty about the fun we are having that others may not know about, and we feel like we need to tell everyone we know about it! Sort of "Share The Wealth" I guess. :)
For a better explaination, check out the website as well as these videos below. It takes a little bit of organization and preparation, but it is completely worth it! :) Have Fun! You will laugh with joy everytime you leave the store - I do! :)
To view the first video, just visit this MSNBC site. (It was a story on the Today Show)
And this is a great "How To" video from the girl who came up with the website.
4 years ago
This is alot like pinchingyourpennies.com. Thanks for the idea. Maybe we can use both and save even more.
hhhmmm i am looking at it now, i must say the deals seem real but it does seem kinda confusing, but you say it gets easier? do you build menus around the deals?
Rachel I just wanted to say thanks to you again last night was kindof crazy. I will miss you. I love the candle it smells yummy. Anyhow, My sister in law and I are coupon junkies too....it is addicting!! Maybe I will see you late at night at albertsons shopping!!
Deryk and I have decided to do it too, thanks for being the guinie pig (who knows if I even spelt that right) Now that we know it works for you, we're more willing to try it out.
thanks for this site... i am going to try it out... i have a few other sites too if you want me to send them to you... i think one is couponmom.com (pretty good) and http://couponcrissy.com/blog/ but i haven't used them often though.... and the last one she doesn't seem to have updated... i have a few more if you want them, i will have to find them though... oh and do you think it is worth the $10 every 8 weeks?
oh and that one time, was it me you were tagging? if so, sorry i haven't done it yet, but i will now... haha:)
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