Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Weekend Get-Away!!

This weekend was a nice treat for Chris and I. We spent the weekend in Salt Lake while the children were with Chris's parents in Idaho Falls! It was our Christmas gift to eachother. We definately needed some time to get away from things for a while. We haven't left all of our children with a babysitter for an over night trip since the boys were born 5 1/2 years ago (so pretty much never)! We were thrilled to be able to go on a vacation without having to pack along a package of diapers or wipes - IT WAS GREAT! :)
So, Chris was in charge of all the plans - and boy did he get a great trip put together! All of this was Chris's idea - I did not suggest any of this - Chris is just such a GREAT guy!

First we had dinner reservations at a very nice and quiet local restaurant that served European food (Chris likes that kind of food a lot - I think he picked it up while he was on his mission in Spain.)

Then Chris reserved tickets for the Utah Symphony. It was beautiful (hence the music playing right now.) The symphony was amazing, and they had a guest concert pianist from Norway that was absolutley amazing as well. The whole concert was beautiful.

Next, we stayed at the same hotel where we stayed for part of our honeymoon.

The next morning, the plan was to go to a museum exhibit in Salt Lake called "The Leonardo" that was all about the human body from more of a medical point of view. It was supposed to be FANTASTIC - but we had no idea the museum would be sold out with a HUGE line waiting to get in. The next open time for tickets was too late for us - we had to get back to Idaho to pick up our sweet children - so instead we ate lunch and got back on the road again.

I really am SO LUCKY to be married to such a good guy!

We had such a nice time. Chris did a wonderful job of putting it all together. It was definately a nice break - and now we are ready to get back to reality and for the new semester to start.

THANK YOU so much to Chris's parents for watching the children. They all had a wonderful time, and keep telling us that we need to go on another trip so they can stay the night in Idaho Falls without mom and dad again. :)


Joanna Barrett said...

Rachel, all I have to say is that of all the people I know, you and Chris deserved this quiet weekend!! I'm so happy you had the opportunity to get away and relax a little without the children!!

Jess and Jen said...

Yea! I'm so glad you guys got away. I'll bet it was amazing! Way to go Chris for all the plans. If you guys ever need get away #2 we are up for it! Las Vegas is nice I hear!

Sarah H said...

How fun! You guys deserved it. And i love the music on your blog. So peaceful!