Every day when the boys go to school, there is a running count of how many days they have been in kindergarten. The class adds a new number each day. This week the boys have been super excited because today (Friday) was going to be the 100th day they have been in kindergarten, so they were going to have a celebration of the number 100. The class was going to have a party. The boys were each supposed to take 100 peices of a treat to share with the class. (They were each prepared with a little luch sack of 100 tootsie rolls.)
Well, last night both of the boys got sick
with a little stomach bug. (My DEEPEST appolgies to Joanna who had to clean up a massive vomit mess while she was watching them yesterday)
The boys were doing better this morning, but not completely over it. The news that they had to stay home from school was quite devestating for them. They were both crying about the party they were going to miss.
By about lunch time the boys had perked up a bit, so we deided to have a "100 Celebration" of
our own. It was fun, and the boys had a good time. They kept reminding me how much fun they would have had with all their school friends, but they were still glad we did it. We played games and had snacks and did activities all centered around the number 100. It was fun and I am glad the boys are feeling better!
In the pictures, the kids were eating snacks and counting their tootsie rolls. They also did 100 excercises (10 push ups, 10 sit ups, 10 jumping jacks, etc.) They were practicing counting in 10's. It was pretty funny to watch. :)
Then Jonathan asked if he could take a picture, so I let him try it out. He was very excited as I showed him how the camera works and he was super proud of himself. He did a very good job for his first try! :) (Hence the picture of me and the girls)