Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Boy's Valentine Party

The boys had their Valentine party at school today since school is out tomorrow for a teacher training day. The boys have been very excited since they had to miss their last party. The boys each have a special little chica at school that they have crushes on - ask them who they like from school and why, their answers are pretty cute.

Last night was fun helping the boys get their Valentine cards ready to pass out today. You know, the whole decide which card is just right for each person in the class - heaven forbid they should convey the wrong message to the wrong person! :) (Brings back memories - Right?)

Of course, especially for our sugar-addicted Sarah, the highlight of the day was checking out the loot the boys brought home from school. It was fun listening to the boys read all of their cards and figure out who gave them what.


Jess and Jen said...

I was totally thinking that same thing when Kaden did his valentines! One year I remember I gave the teacher valentine to a boy in class and so everyone made fun of me because they thought I had a crush on him. Too funny.

Joanna Barrett said...

Oh the memories....of course, year after year after year I was only concerned about just one boy in particular--do you remember, Rachel. I had the guts to write "I love you," on the back of a V-day card (I still cringe just thinking about how dorky I was) and years later (in high school) when we were hanging out, he showed it to me. He still had it!!!
Oh ya, and I can hardly wait 'til the names of thier crushes end up written on the bottom of the top bunk! How many David's were written on ours?

Sarah H said...

So fun!
My boys weren't supposed to put names on their valentines. They just brought 15 valentine's that said "from james" or "from nathan" and the teachers passed them out. How boring is that! But I'll let it slide since they are only in preschool :)
thanks for your comments on my blog, you are awesome.