Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Grandma Lets Us Crack The Eggs...

A couple of weeks ago, Chris and I loaded up all of the kids and headed back up to good ole' Newdale for a quick visit. And being that my mother is one of the best cooks/bakers in all of South East Idaho, of course the kids wanted to eat her food. And what is better than warm bread right our of the oven? Of course Grandma had to oblige. So the kids helped her bake fresh bread - Certainly one of my favorites as well.
I will never even come close in comparison - so the kids totally dig the whole culinary experience when Grandma Simper is in the area.
Since then, whenever I try to cook anything, all I hear about is how "Grandma lets us crack the eggs..." (Something I have not quite allowed myself to let the kids help with thus far.)
So, the other day I was giving Ethan a bath after lunch time while the kids were supposed to be doing "Quiet Time". I came out to find the kids excitedly mixing a large bowl of instant pudding in the kitchen instead. I was quite impressed. They had made the pudding themselves, and it actually looked pretty good, so I was going to let them sit at the table to eat it. Just as I was was about to serve the first bowl, I hear Jonathan pipe in with "And we didn't even make a mess with the eggs!" (Sound of a scratching record running through my head as the sentence registers in my mind) Turns out, the kids thought that eggs were a necessary ingredient to instant pudding. The dismay on their sweet faces as I told them that the pudding was not good to eat anymore was too much to bear. We compromised, and I quickly put the pudding on the stove to heat it up real quick and cook the eggs. And the pudding was actually pretty good.
Thanks Grandma for giving them the confidence to attempt the eggs on their own - I think... :)


Jess and Jen said...

It's a good thing you found out about the eggs BEFORE they consumed them all! Good thinking cooking it... I would have dumped it down the drain and started all over. Which is a good glimpse into my cooking skills!!

Tony and Sarah Hendricks said...

You two have a beautiful family!!! thanks for finding us! we hope everything is going great!