Friday, September 12, 2008

Mmmmm, mouth watering goodness!

One of my (many) guilty pleasures is this absolutely deliciouse snack!

I think I may have learned this from Debbi when we were growing up - not sure if you still eat this Deb, but you should! When ever I make tuna fish sandwiches for the kids - I let the kids eat the sandwiches with chips on the side - I perfer to get down and dirty, and just pass on the bread and simply scoop the tuna up with the chips and devour!

Let me warn you - A complete mouth cleaning after eating this is advised. Complete with brushing, flossing, and even rinsing 3 or 4 times with Cool MintLysterine -- and maybe you should even swallow just a little bit to wash down the gastric storage tank in order to help abate any over zealouse mouthfuls that may want to make an enchore performance hours after the meal has been eaten. (Believe me, your sweetie will appreciate that little extra step.)

But Ooooh, it is so worth it! Muy Bien!!
Come on, you know that, secretly, there is a little part of you that is slightly intrigued. You know you want to try it. You will be pleasantly suprised!

1 comment:

McBride Family said...

rachel, i love you and all but i think i just died a little on the inside....seriously...hahahaha