Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sarah Got Tagged!!

Sarah's cousin Trevor tagged Sarah (not sure if he meant our Sarah or Aunt Sarah, but I am making Sarah answer anyways because - How Fun!)

I just sat with Sarah to ask what some funny things about her are, and here are her anwers. I mostly wrote her own words verbatum. These are her answers.

1. I love to play games! My favorite game is "Simon Says" and I like "Duck, Duck, Goose". I like to be the one to say what Simon says. (Anyone who knows Sarah knows that she pretty much knows how to play the role of the oldest sister - she usually takes over and gets things to go her way, whether the other siblings realize it or not. A lot of times, activities end with Ryan and Jonathan yelling at Sarah that she is not in charge - Sarah is usually pretty sure she is in charge.)

2. Being naughty is not funny.

3. I love to watch "Litttle Einsteins".

4. I like to play with my brothers. I like to play Ninjas with my brothers, but Ethan can't play cause he is too little. (Sarah is generally up for any challenge the boys might put before her, and she always pulls through with flying colors!)

5. I love to eat broccoli, carrots, and I loooovvveee treats. (This comment shocked me as well - except the treat part)

6. I like to go to dancing class with my dancing friends (the other girls in the class).

Sarah now tags her cousins Danny, Eva (Miriam, you have to get your blog working to let her answer!), and Elli (cause you chicas need to stick together!). Good Luck - and we look forward to hearing from the cousins!

1 comment:

Joanna Barrett said...

Dang Cute!!! Sarah is such a funny girl!! She is so much fun to have around--you sure are lucky to have her!