Friday, October 10, 2008

Turning Mom's Lemons Into Delightful ... Cherry Ice Cream!

This morning, I had the absolutely amazing experience of getting all four of my wisdom teeth taken out!

Actually, it wasn't very bad. Although, the oral surgan used IV sedation, so one moment I was in the dental chair answering questions -- the next thing I knew I was in a totally different room (recovery), in a whole new chair, Chris beside me, and somehow the sweater the nurse had seemingly just asked me to take off so she could get an IV line started was oddly back on me once again. I have no recollection of how I got to the recovery room with my sweater back on - but I know I must have walked, there were no wheels on that chair, and I am pretty sure the women in that office could not have carried me there, I was larger in size just in height alone. I was super disoriented - a very weird feeling that I was not such a fan of. I kept trying to ask Chris questions about how I got where I was and what time it was, but my mouth was so packed with gauze I couldn't get any discerible words out. He finally laughed and told me to stop worring about it while we waited for the sedation to wear off a little.

The Chris and the kids have been wonderful all day, letting me sleep all day. Chris has been Mr. Mom and the resident soft food chef. The kids have totally been diggin' the idea that there is an abundant amount of yogurt and ice cream in the house, and tonight Chris took them to Great American Video (where kid movies are free rentals) and they all got to pick their own movie for the weekend. Maybe mom getting her wisdom teeth taken out was not such a bad thing after all... :)

1 comment:

Jess and Jen said...

Good luck with the wisdom teeth thing I hope you are feeling better. Let me know if we can help. Chris is such a turkey with his practical jokes but I must say I am glad they are focused on you now and not me anymore!